Affirmations for sleep

Affirmations for sleep

5 april 2022
affirmations for sleep

You’ve probably had nights where you were very busy right before going to sleep. Perhaps you were working late to meet a deadline or studying for an exam.

If you go to sleep at that moment, your mind is still busy thinking about your deadline or exam. You’re not giving your mind and body a chance to relax.

Peace of mind is important for a good night’s sleep and positive affirmations can help you with that!

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Create a pleasant sleep bedtime routine

Creating a sleep routine can help you to fall asleep better and sleep more peacefully. This may sound bigger than it actually is or needs to be.

A sleep routine is a short routine or simple ritual that you perform every night before you go to bed. It prepares your body and mind for the night.

Quiet activities that do not require too much physical or mental effort work best. Set your alarm every night to remind yourself that your sleep routine is starting. You decide what time works for you. Perhaps you like to get ready for the night around 7pm or maybe half an hour before bedtime works just fine for you.

Is your alarm clock set? Then it’s time to start your evening activities, which could range from doing yoga exercises, to reading a good book, taking a long bath, listening to some music or even listening to some positive affirmations!

Also interesting: What is the meaning of affirmations?

affirmations for sleep

What are sleep affirmations?

Affirmations are positive phrases, a kind of mantra, that you repeat to yourself and that define your mind and reality. As a result you start to think and act differently.

Sleep affirmations – as the name suggests – are affirmations you can listen to, repeat or write down before going to sleep. They help you to end the day and get ready for the night.

Suppose you’re in the middle of a really tough (running) race. The finish line is almost in sight but you still have quite a way to go. You encourage yourself: 'You can do it, 'Come on, just a little bit longer', 'You're almost there, just keep going.' These are also affirmations. You're going to believe it, you're going to act on it, and eventually you do cross that finish line.

How do you sleep with affirmations?

Positive affirmations are phrases you can listen to, repeat (out loud) or write down every night before going to bed. The Meditation Moments app includes great tracks with different affirmations that you can listen to before going to sleep.

Lie down comfortably and listen to the voice and the powerful affirmations. The tracks will stop automatically so it's okay if you fall asleep in the meantime.

If you do this in bed, you can fully focus on the positive sleep affirmations. That is to say: your mind will not be busy with all the other things you need to do or need to think about.

If you’re in bed worrying about something, you take it with you to sleep and wake up with it the next morning. Positive affirmations replace any worries you might have with positive thoughts.

10 Powerful and Positive Affirmations

  1. I am grateful for my body and honor it with rest.
  2. I did my best today and now it’s time to recharge myself. Tomorrow is full of possibilities.
  3. I will have a good night’s sleep and wake up well-rested.
  4. I am grateful for today.
  5. I can't wait for what tomorrow will bring.
  6. A good night's sleep gives me the strength to overcome my fears and doubts.
  7. I am worthy of relaxation and of my dreams.
  8. I fall asleep effortlessly and enjoy a wonderful night's sleep.
  9. I am healthy and give my body the gift of good sleep.
  10. I am grateful for the opportunities that have come my way today. Now it’s time to rest. Tomorrow will be full of new adventures.
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Do affirmations work while you sleep?

It's okay if you fall asleep. Affirmations do not only affect your conscious, but also your subconscious mind. This means that they can also affect your night’s rest when you have fallen asleep. So sleep tight!

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